Member-only story
Now Isn’t The Time To Start Freelancing
You should have already started
Hordes of people are considering different options to make money due to the Coronavirus pandemic, which is rampaging throughout the world. Many are turning to freelance work, which is brilliant, but you may find it’s harder to get started than you thought. I’ll share my experience that led to my own freelancing pivot during this time of change, including the mess ups and realizations along the way. Freelancing is the way of the future, and you want to be a part of it.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”― Margaret Mead
Don’t start freelancing when it’s your only option
When I started looking into the freelance world, I thought it was going to be simple, picking up jobs whenever I wanted and setting my own schedule. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Not only did it take over six months to eventually get a long-term contract, but I had to endure the blow of rejection regularly. Getting your foot into the freelancing door is much harder than people like to make it seem.
My advice? Start trying to freelancing before you need it as an income. I couldn’t have imagined the fact that we would be dealing…